MEVO (Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization)

Inspiring Us, One Clean-up At A Time

What is MEVO?

The Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization (MEVO) was founded in the summer of 2008 by a bunch of nature-loving teenagers who wanted to make a difference. We envision a sustainable world with enough resources for everyone, where people don’t live in toxic surroundings and where everybody considers their impact on the Earth.

What does MEVO do?

MEVO carries out volunteer work to promote environmental sustainability throughout local communities. We plant trees, clean-up polluted areas, rehabilitate soil erosion, start natural agriculture farms, organize electronic recycling drives, educate students on recycling, distribute recycling bins and give away compact fluorescent light bulbs. We want to get people involved in improving their society and working to solve our worst environmental problems.


Why is MEVO important?

Our planet is our Eco-system, the place where the entire 7 BILLION population lives. Generations that follow won’t have the same opportunities we do if we don’t live in partnership with the Earth by keeping it clean and managing its resources. We are students, leaders and above all we are the ones who will inherit our planet and society. We need to take action now to ensure the safety and health of children in the future. It isn’t hard. We can do it! But reducing our impact on the environment is only possible if we work together to solve our waste, food and pollution habits. Taking action now will create an even more beautiful Earth tomorrow.

What is our plan of action?

A bunch of super awesome youth, students and the occasional adult get together for weekend environmental, volunteer events. These events are planned by youth, led by youth, managed by youth and carried out by youth as an example of our generation’s passion for change. We have organized over 56 events involving more than 243 people in environmental community service. We have handed out 2,610+ compact fluorescent light bulbs, the equivalent to removing 135 cars off the road and preventing 1,099,828.77 lbs (500 tons!) of CO2 emissions. We have planted well over 200 trees, rehabilitated at least 9 miles of badly eroded hiking trails and helped build about 6 miles of long-term low-impact hiking trails. We have collected hundreds of bags of trash, recycling and scrap metal. We have educated hundreds of students on the importance of recycling by hosting assemblies in public schools. We have painted 196 recycling bins and distributed 100 of these to schools and businesses, creating a more effective and efficient means of recycling. This is all in days work. Eric Fuchs-Stengel, Founder and Executive Director says it best, “We have only been operating for a little over three and a half years! Imagine what we can and will do in five or ten.”

How can you help?

We need youth. We need student leaders. We need volunteers. We need professional advisers. We need academic interns. WE NEED YOU! Do you think what we do is cool? Well my sister or brother, we think you rock! We love passionate people and we want you to help us MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We need people who want to dedicate some of their time volunteering to change the way communities approach environmental sustainability. Do you want to volunteer on the weekend? Want to be a student leader of one of our programs? Want to organize an academic internship? Have a great idea for a new project? Need help getting your project off the ground and think we could provide some resources? Email us and let us know and/or sign-up to volunteer with us! This is our Earth, our Eco-system, and we need all the help we can get.

Upcoming MEVO Events

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at 10:00am

Sunday, August 19, 2012 at 10:00am


Catherine Ave. Clean-up Part II

Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 10:00am


To read more about inspiring TEENs, click here.



Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Inc. | 64 Passaic Street | Hackensack, NJ 07601 | 201-489-9454 |


The Volunteer Center of Bergen County was founded by the Junior League of Bergen County in 1966.

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