The Beefsteak Dinner originated in 19th-century New York City as a political fundraiser, but it went into a decline in the mid-20th century, only surviving in the small towns of Northeast New Jersey. Today the Beefsteak has enjoyed a revival in North Jersey, and our Chore Service will be continuing the tradition to celebrate 40 years!
Proceeds benefit Chore Services.
Thank you to all who attended, the event was a big success.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Camp Merritt—Cresskill American Legion Post 21
Tickets are $50
Includes dinner, soda, beer, wine and dessert!
Catered by Nightingale!
Entertainment provided by the Flying Ivories,
dueling piano players!
Sponsorship Opportunities are available, call Maureen Cameron at 201-489-9454, ext. 204.