Service-learning actively engages students in meaningful and relevant service activities as part of the academic curriclum.


Service-learning projects work best when they fit the ages and developmental abilities of the students, include interesting and engaging service activities, explore the context of the underlying societal issues the service addresses, and address needs that are important to the community being served.


Ways to Increase Youth Volunteerism


  • Ask them to volunteer.
  • Encourage them to get involved at an early age.
  • Encourage them to participate in community groups, faith based organizations, student government and school clubs and projects.
  • Be a  mentor to youth.
  • Look into opportunities for young people to take courses that include or even require community service.
  • Volunteer as a family


How can the Volunteer Center help?


  • Work with school administrators, teachers, service advisors to develop or enhance strategies for community service/service learning in their schools.
  • Work with students, service clubs to develop and plan service programs and projects strengthening their sense of civic engagement and supporting the important role that youth play in the betterment of society.
  • Work with programs and agencies utilizing volunteers to help them understand the value of youth volunteers.  Help them to  develop strategies for engaging and managing youth volunteers.
  • Work with community and faith based organizations serving youth looking to involve youth in social and civic awareness and their important role in their community.


For Teachers


Are you trying to come up with ways to use service in the classroom.  Service Learning, melding service and curriculum can take ideas.  Visit the generationOn website for detailed lessons plans, and ideas.


The Bergen Volunteer Center is happy to consult with schools, agencies, community and faith-based organizations to advise or develop youth service programs and projects.



ervice Learning


Contact Us


Bergen Volunteer Center

64 Passaic Street

Hackensack, NJ 07601




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