mployee Engagement Services
Create motivation that builds the bottom line
Business success has always depended on an engaged workforce. When people feel motivated, they perform better. Successful businesses understand the significant impact community involvement can have on employee engagement. In fact, our research shows that high levels of meaningful employee engagement can boost revenue growth by up to two and a half times*.
Today’s business environment is quickly evolving, which means we need to rewrite the rules of employee engagement. The Bergen Volunteer Center has several programs to assist you in at all levels of engagement by helping you foster a culture that motivates and enables employees of all generations and backgrounds to perform at their highest levels.
Enhance your employee engagement or CSR program by offering your employees the opportunity to share their unique skills and talents with community nonprofits.
Share your employee’s professional skills and expertise to make a significant difference in your community through nonprofit board service.
BVC Networking Breakfast
Monday, April 17, 2017
Special thanks to our host
Become a member and allow us to provide you an easy platform to start or build a corporate volunteer program, allowing your business to addresses serious social issues through the mobilization of corporate resources and volunteers.
We can provide you customized support services to help you implement any of our engagement programs into your existing platform, align your engagement strategy with your company strategy, or start a new engagement program.
For more information on how to take advantage of our extensive community engagement programs please contact, Maureen Cameron, Chief Philanthropic Officer, 201-489-9454, ext. 204 or mcameron@bergenvolunteers.org
Contact Us
Bergen Volunteer Center
64 Passaic Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601